Saturday, October 13, 2007

Mission Impossible

Every weekend at my home in Las Vegas until I moved to Texas, Mormon missionaries would knock on my door while I was in a deep sleep guaranteed before ten in the morning so they could try and convert me. Overtime this became very annoying and I felt as if I were being harassed. One would think after the fifth or sixth time that I told the same little missionary boy "No thank you, I wouldn't like any information about the Mormon religion," that he would stop coming to my house but it never phased these people one bit. I mean how would they feel if I went to his home almost every day or weekend and said " Excuse me sir, would you like any information today about converting to Satanism ?" I'm sure if I did this, it would seem as though I were wrong, almost like I was committing a crime in the eyes of these people. Just for the record though, I am not a Satanist. In the first two minutes of the video that I am posting, it shows exactly the kind of harassment I dealt with weekly. While watching this video think of how it would feel if this happened every weekend at someones home.

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