Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ignorant, Oblivious, or Both ?

According to Mark Hertsgaard in The Oblivious Empire, Americans are oblivious to the countries and governments around us and overall it is our actions overseas in these countries that makes foreigners not only hate America, but mainly the American people. However, I seem to disagree with Mr. Hertsgaard. I believe that Americans are not oblivious, but that they just are flat out ignorant to the core of their soul. I don't believe that we as Americans intentionally try to disregard others needs, or that we intend to be inconsiderate, I just feel that we feel that what ever is best for America is best for everyone else. This misconception is a very common American flaw, but all in all I feel that most Americans mean well. In fact, I believe Mr. Hertsgaard is right about something and that is " the embarrassing truth is that most of us know little about the outside world, and we are particularly ill-informed about what our government is doing in our name overseas" (Hertsgaard 783). So there is no way that we can possibly be blamed for everything our government does. The American people only have so much control over their government and it's actions. The problem isn't just that Americans are ignorant in foreign countries but that we are ignorant in our own country. We even ignore our own people's needs, wants, and feelings. I love America and I myself can be considered ignorant in some ways, but everything has faults. No one ever said America had to be perfect.

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