Friday, September 28, 2007

Kiddie Propaganda

Last class we discussed how American popular media portrays the wealthy and the middle class through mainly the mass medium of television. I never realized until recently how it is common to portray a middle class man as a fat, alcoholic, idiot parent or American man. We also mentioned that most often the middle class on T.V. are portrayed as violent. At first, I overlooked the violence in our video games, and T.V. shows as harmless, that in almost a jokingly matter I would laugh about a show persuading someone to kill someone else. I thought that it was dumb to think that a T.V. show or a video game or even a song could persuade someone to do something.
Then one day I remembered babysitting my nephew who at the time had been about 4 or 5 years old. He constantly was playing a video game that had violence in it or watching a T.V. show that had some form of violence. Never once did I think he would imitate any of it, but he did so with his brother. In fact, it scared me to realize that he was imitating professional wrestlers on T.V. with his older brother. If he imitated that he could imitate almost anything.
Hopefully, he won't always imitate everything he sees on T.V. What upsets me is the fact that some of these shows on T.V. are there to influence little children and if they can get them to think they can wrestle like a pro who knows what else they might idolize. It might be saying its okay to be a fat slob, or an alcoholic father. So what if you can block the channels, there are always video games, songs, and new shows on different channels that are just as bad as the others. Some of these trashy shows have trashy characters that these kids are going to idolize and I just wish there was a way to stop it.


Thingy said...

I like your blog. Something to consider though: What if taking violence off of TV would lead to more violence on the streets?

Thingy said...

I am a kind man. I hope this suffices.