Sunday, September 2, 2007

This Was War: Huesch vs. Hardin

Mr. Huesch was my Algebra teacher in the ninth grade. At first glance, he looked very intelligent, but looks can be decieving. He was quite tall with dark, brown hair, big, goofy ears, and a deviously, wicked grin that one could call a smile. Little did I know that he was going to be the worst public high school teacher that I would ever encounter during my entire high school career. Rarely, could I ever understand what he was teaching because the way he explained things seemed more complicated than curing cancer. No one in class ever paid any attention because they knew they would never understand what he was teaching. At one point, I wanted to write a letter to the president of the United States of America telling him what a bad teacher he was. Of course, I didn't do this since the president had much more important problems to deal with like Global warming, just ask the guy and he'll tell you. Overall, I can honestly say "he was a horrible teacher." Each time I solved a problem it was as if I were trying to conquer a small battle in a war before the bell rang for school to let out. Sometimes I literally felt as if I were a P.O.W. during World War II trying to escape camp without dieing. Luckily, my best friend was wonderful at Algebra, and she took the liberty of tutoring me in her free time so I would be more than up to date in the class. Her generosity had paid off, I had somehow managed to conquer the almighty Mr. Huesch by maintaining an 'A' as my overall grade in his class. The war was finally over. As you can see the moral of the story is, if you don't know what your learning make sure you get a damn good tutor.


sgh said...

Good! I enjoyed this quite a lot. Very entertaining.

I hope I can do better than this guy!

Sarah Lane said...

I hope Micah can do better too.
It was entertaining and don't you know Bush still thinks Global Warming does not exist. lol

Briana E Purifoy said...

It's an interesting story, but did he teach you anything besides to get help from someone who knows the material? Or was that the point? I didn't quite understand.