Sunday, September 16, 2007

Segregation Is a Problem We Live With

The setting in The Problem We All Live With is in the early 1960's when public schools had finally become desegregated. It commemorates the beginning of desegregation. I think the painting's title is very truthful. Unfortunately, even though according to the law segregation and discrimination are no longer allowed people seem to fall back on segregation because it is something that was taught to be okay. Therefore, over time it wasn't a matter of what was right or wrong, all that mattered was that previous generations were too stubborn to accept change. According to Norman Rockwell's painting and title the problem we are all living with is inequality whether it be racially, economically, or ethnically. This is one of the many problems that we all seem to be living with. There are still forms of segregation that exist today, the only difference is that this segregation is visibly through actions that are more indirect rather than directly.


Taylor said...

I don't think that the previous generations were "stubborn" so to say, I think they were more set in their ways, and even more than that, that is what they grew up with and they didn't see anything wrong with it.

Taylor said...

I don't think that the previous generations were "stubborn" so to say, I think they were more set in their ways, and even more than that, that is what they grew up with and they didn't see anything wrong with it.

Andrew Gonzalez said...

I think that there was not as much dissent as there is now. Like Taylor said they were not exactly stubborn so much as it wasn't that acceptable in those days to speak up harshly against it. Even today we see people that hold up signs screaming, and burning American falgs as radical. Those people speaking up would have been seen as the radicals of their day.

Kleber Trigg said...

Its hard to believe that only 50 years ago that the majority of the American population was fixated on hating a certain race of people. I'm glad that African American people are no longer hated. However, some of that racism has trickled down through the years, I feel that most of the racism has dissenpated.

*Felicia* said...

I agree with you. The problem we are all living with is inequality in everything.